

Tuesday 8 February 2011


If it happened once, will it happen again?

My heart can never mend if it isn't whole anymore.

Please love and protect me forever.


Sunday 9 January 2011

It's Already 2011

One day, I will return home to where I belong, and it will be beautiful.

But where is home?

Life is a journey of seeking out and piecing together a puzzle only to be left abandoned when we leave.

It's about equilibrium, and making your own checks and balances each day.

I can't change the world, I can't change the person I love most, but at least I can go home one day.


Sunday 28 November 2010

My Birthday

I wish that my family will be happy and contented. I wish that all the fights and complications and anger will fade with time, and lessons will be learnt and joy will come hither. I wish that everyone I care for gets eternal happiness, and good things come in abundance to those that love. I wish that the disgusting words and shame and games of blame will stop, and a new beginning will come.


Thursday 11 November 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

How much time do we actually have here? What does it take to prove a point? Practice random acts of kindness, be it thought, words, or actions; anytime, anywhere! :)

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Gem in the Dark

My dear baby,

Even when you are not physically next to me, the memory of you puts my heart at ease. Counting down the minutes to see you tomorrow!


Monday 21 June 2010

Shooting Stars

If  you wish, you will dream
If you dream, you will pray
If you pray, you will get
If you get, you will laugh
If you laugh, you will cry
If you cry, the tears will dry
When the tears dry, you will learn
If you learn, you will know
If you know, you will teach
If you teach, you will ask
If you ask, you will search
If you search, you will find
When you find, you will know
That everything lies in your heart.

Monday 29 March 2010

Going gaga for GaGa, and a weekend away

After clinical placements on Wednesday we went for GaGa at Rod Laver Arena. What happens when you're not a big enough fan is that you won't enjoy the concert as much as you would like to. Personally I would like to spend the 200 bucks on something else if I knew the night was going to be mediocre. But spending time with your most loved one is the best therapy, so overall I had a lovely time with Jon.


Then we had a weekend away at Wonthaggi, which is about 200km away from metro Melbourne, somewhere not far away from Philip Island.

                                                                       Pelican feeding
Took lots of random shots to kill time. There isn't much to do in a small suburb, but the change in scenery is a breath of fresh air. The 4 of us stopped where we felt like stopping and we chanced upon a beautiful creek and climbed over a sand dune which concealed the amazing ocean. Best part being the fact that there was nobody in sight and we felt like the only people in the universe. Very calming, but frightening to think that we are cut off from all ties of civilisation :P